Please take note of the following important EBS specific information before proceeding with this:
DB 11gR1 is not supported/certified to run on Windows 2008 64bit as single node. Furthermore EBS 12.1 can't be installed directly by running radiwiz since it's also not supported. The supported way is install Windows 32bit then migrate to Windows 2008 64bit , before that is a mandatory prerequisite upgrade to 11gR2.
For more details please review Migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12 to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (Doc ID 1188535.1).
The following pre-requisites needs to be installed first:
You will need the software in this screenshot to be able to insta1l all pre-reqs required to run EBS 12.1.* on Windows Server 2008 x64 R2

Installation Steps:

Users, Groups, Permissions:
Create the oracle user and give them administrative rights. Check with the command: net localgroup administrators
Add required “Member of” roles, and test again to see if the newly create Oracle user has local administrator rights:
Change the %TEMP% and %TMP% environment variables to C:\temp. In the Windows permissions, give full ownership/control to C:\temp.
64Bit Version -
32Bit Version -
Install the 32 bit:

Installing …………………………………..

Installing the 64 Bit version:

Installing ……………………………

After Installing both the 32 bit version of Perl, and the 64 bit version of Perl, the following 2 directories will be visible in the root of the c-Drive (or the drive you have as your root drive)

At the end of this note , I will add the above paths to the environment variables - make sure you always add the 64 bit version before the 32 bit version in your path, if you prefer to use the 64 Bit version instead of the 32 bit version

Select “Add Required Role Services”

Leave all as is – default – on the next window

Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
– downloadable from here -
(Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2 is not as yet certified against EBS 12.1.* - you might waste your time installing them, and facing problems when running EBS)
Download and start setup for visual studio 2008
Select custom installation
Set product install path to c:\mvsc\
ONLY Select Visual C++ Express Edition and NET Framework SDK only (These are the only free products and the only ones required for use with EBS 12.1.* on Windows Server 2008 R2)
Right click on 'My Computer' > Properties > Advance > Environment Variables > scroll down system variables list > Select Path > Edit > add C:\mvsc\VC\bin

Click “Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition”

Uncheck all the options below:

Change install path to “c:\mvsc\”
You will get the below error should you skip step 3) above

On 3 occasions my installer crashed just after I got the .Net 3.5 Framework nag window. Should this happen to you, just restart the installer again

Dotnetfx.exe -

Click the “Run program” button from the below window:

Installing …………………….

Again, click the “Run program” button from the below window:

Installing …………………………

(Full install of Cygwin from the 16Gb downloaded folder, took about 7 hours on my system)

If you plan to do multiple EBS implementations, the better option will be to not install it over the internet, but to rather select the “download” option, which will create staging area for you from where you can install this from.

When selecting the “Download Without Installing” option, you should proceed like this:
Choose a local directory to where the installer will download the selected files

Select the download mirror, which is closest to your location, and from my experience “HTTP” servers perform better than “FTP” servers, BUT you can use I,e FileZilla to FTP directly into a server as shown above, and to copy the entire directory tree over to your local disk (about 17Gb in total)

I selected

Everytime you click the
entry, the state will change. ( I already downloaded it all. Just follow the on-screen steps onwards until all have been downloaded.

Once everything is downloaded to your staging area, restart the Cygwin installer , and select “Install From Local Directory”, pointing the installer to the location where you downloaded the above packages

Do not change the below installation path

Click on “All”, to change it from “Default” to “Install” (as shown earlier in this note)

Running …………………………..

Package: gconf-desktop-schemas exit code 127
Package: gdk-pixbuf2-wmf exit code 127
Package: gdk-pixbuf2.0-svg exit code 127
Package: glib2.0-networking exit code 127
Package: gnome-icon-theme exit code 127
Package: gnome-themes-standard exit code 127
Package: gnubg exit code 127
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-gconf exit code 127
Package: hicolor-icon-theme exit code 127
Package: libgconf2_4 exit code 127
Package: libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 exit code 127
Package: libgnomevfs2_0 exit code 127
Package: libpango1.0_0 exit code 127
Package: phonon-backend-gstreamer exit code 127

Copy and overwrite some cygwin files
Start your cgywin command prompt , and do the following:
cd /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
cp gawk.exe awk.exe
cp grep.exe egrep.exe
cp gcc.exe cc.exe

If you want to install the latest version in the JDK 6 and 7 release, make sure you install v6 before V7 using the steps below
First install 6U3 , and then 7U17

After all of the installation stuff is done, make sure you add the following directory to your system environment path:
If you installed the MKSToolkit, add “c:\<mkstoolkit_install_dir>\bin” to your path
If you installed cgywin, add “c:\cgywin\bin” to your path variable
If you don’t do this you will get the below errors later during the installation:
‘which’ command is not available. Check MKS installation

Before adding it to your path:

To add it to your path, do the following:
Click StartèControl PanelèSystemèAdvanced System Settings
In the below window, click on “Environment Variables”

Add an entry to the PATH variable to change it from in both the USER and the SYSTEM variables. If not in USER, add it.
PATH=C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NetSarang;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;C:\mvsc\VC\bin;C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NetSarang;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\


OK, and exit, AND open a new command prompt, to test again

Also, add Windows to the cygwin $PATH if not already added (add in .bash_profile within the “Cygwin Terminal”
To test if it is in the path do the following: echo $PATH
If not there, add the below to .bash_profile
Patching the Make File
Cygwin is not fully compatible with E-Business Suite R12:
“The latest available make (3.81) from Cygwin is known to not work with E-Business Suite”, Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows [ID 414992.1].
Go to “” and click on the “make-3.81-20090914-mingw32” link, and then on the “make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-bin.tar.gz” link, and download the file. If the base SourceForge site is unavailable, try “ projects/sfnet_mingw/downloads/MinGW/Extension/make/make-3.81-20090914-mingw32/make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-bin.tar.gz/” instead.
Decompress and unzip the “tar.gz” file to produce the “mingw32-make.exe” executable (if you need software to decompress and unzip the archive file, try the “7-zip” utility which can be obtained from “”).
Finally, copy “mingw32-make.exe” to the Cygwin installation directory, and rename it to gnumake.exe

Some checks to confirm everything is in place

Rename Duplicate Executables
Oracle also recommends the following:
To ensure “rmdir” executes the Windows “rmdir” command, rename Cygwin’s “rmdir.exe” (in, for example, C:\Cygwin\bin”) to rmdir.orig.
To ensure “link” executes the Visual Studio 2005 “link” command, rename Cygwin’s “link.exe” (also in, for example, C:\Cygwin\bin”).

At this point you have to restart the server to make sure all environment variables as well as installed pre-req software, starts up correctly
DB 11gR1 is not supported/certified to run on Windows 2008 64bit as single node. Furthermore EBS 12.1 can't be installed directly by running radiwiz since it's also not supported. The supported way is install Windows 32bit then migrate to Windows 2008 64bit , before that is a mandatory prerequisite upgrade to 11gR2.
For more details please review Migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12 to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (Doc ID 1188535.1).
The following pre-requisites needs to be installed first:
You will need the software in this screenshot to be able to insta1l all pre-reqs required to run EBS 12.1.* on Windows Server 2008 x64 R2
Installation Steps:
- Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
Users, Groups, Permissions:
Create the oracle user and give them administrative rights. Check with the command: net localgroup administrators
Add required “Member of” roles, and test again to see if the newly create Oracle user has local administrator rights:
Change the %TEMP% and %TMP% environment variables to C:\temp. In the Windows permissions, give full ownership/control to C:\temp.
- Perl (Active Perl)
64Bit Version -
32Bit Version -
Install the 32 bit:
Installing …………………………………..
Installing the 64 Bit version:
Installing ……………………………
After Installing both the 32 bit version of Perl, and the 64 bit version of Perl, the following 2 directories will be visible in the root of the c-Drive (or the drive you have as your root drive)
At the end of this note , I will add the above paths to the environment variables - make sure you always add the 64 bit version before the 32 bit version in your path, if you prefer to use the 64 Bit version instead of the 32 bit version
- Install the .NET Framework 3.1.5 Features – This is a requirement to be able to proceed to step 4)
Select “Add Required Role Services”
Leave all as is – default – on the next window
Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
– downloadable from here -
(Microsoft Visual C++ 2010/2 is not as yet certified against EBS 12.1.* - you might waste your time installing them, and facing problems when running EBS)
Download and start setup for visual studio 2008
Select custom installation
Set product install path to c:\mvsc\
ONLY Select Visual C++ Express Edition and NET Framework SDK only (These are the only free products and the only ones required for use with EBS 12.1.* on Windows Server 2008 R2)
Right click on 'My Computer' > Properties > Advance > Environment Variables > scroll down system variables list > Select Path > Edit > add C:\mvsc\VC\bin
Click “Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition”
Uncheck all the options below:
Change install path to “c:\mvsc\”
You will get the below error should you skip step 3) above
On 3 occasions my installer crashed just after I got the .Net 3.5 Framework nag window. Should this happen to you, just restart the installer again
- .Net Framework v1.1
Dotnetfx.exe -
Click the “Run program” button from the below window:
Installing …………………….
- .Net Framework SDK v1.1
Again, click the “Run program” button from the below window:
Installing …………………………
- MKS Toolkit or Cygwin (Note: 414992.1 - Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows).
(Full install of Cygwin from the 16Gb downloaded folder, took about 7 hours on my system)
If you plan to do multiple EBS implementations, the better option will be to not install it over the internet, but to rather select the “download” option, which will create staging area for you from where you can install this from.
When selecting the “Download Without Installing” option, you should proceed like this:
Choose a local directory to where the installer will download the selected files
Select the download mirror, which is closest to your location, and from my experience “HTTP” servers perform better than “FTP” servers, BUT you can use I,e FileZilla to FTP directly into a server as shown above, and to copy the entire directory tree over to your local disk (about 17Gb in total)
I selected
Everytime you click the
Once everything is downloaded to your staging area, restart the Cygwin installer , and select “Install From Local Directory”, pointing the installer to the location where you downloaded the above packages
Do not change the below installation path
Click on “All”, to change it from “Default” to “Install” (as shown earlier in this note)
Running …………………………..
Package: gconf-desktop-schemas exit code 127
Package: gdk-pixbuf2-wmf exit code 127
Package: gdk-pixbuf2.0-svg exit code 127
Package: glib2.0-networking exit code 127
Package: gnome-icon-theme exit code 127
Package: gnome-themes-standard exit code 127
Package: gnubg exit code 127
Package: gstreamer0.10-plugins-gconf exit code 127
Package: hicolor-icon-theme exit code 127
Package: libgconf2_4 exit code 127
Package: libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 exit code 127
Package: libgnomevfs2_0 exit code 127
Package: libpango1.0_0 exit code 127
Package: phonon-backend-gstreamer exit code 127
Copy and overwrite some cygwin files
Start your cgywin command prompt , and do the following:
cd /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
cp gawk.exe awk.exe
cp grep.exe egrep.exe
cp gcc.exe cc.exe
- Jdk (Java development Kit)
If you want to install the latest version in the JDK 6 and 7 release, make sure you install v6 before V7 using the steps below
First install 6U3 , and then 7U17
After all of the installation stuff is done, make sure you add the following directory to your system environment path:
If you installed the MKSToolkit, add “c:\<mkstoolkit_install_dir>\bin” to your path
If you installed cgywin, add “c:\cgywin\bin” to your path variable
If you don’t do this you will get the below errors later during the installation:
‘which’ command is not available. Check MKS installation
Before adding it to your path:
To add it to your path, do the following:
Click StartèControl PanelèSystemèAdvanced System Settings
In the below window, click on “Environment Variables”
Add an entry to the PATH variable to change it from in both the USER and the SYSTEM variables. If not in USER, add it.
PATH=C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NetSarang;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;C:\mvsc\VC\bin;C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\NetSarang;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
OK, and exit, AND open a new command prompt, to test again
Also, add Windows to the cygwin $PATH if not already added (add in .bash_profile within the “Cygwin Terminal”
To test if it is in the path do the following: echo $PATH
If not there, add the below to .bash_profile
Patching the Make File
Cygwin is not fully compatible with E-Business Suite R12:
“The latest available make (3.81) from Cygwin is known to not work with E-Business Suite”, Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows [ID 414992.1].
Go to “” and click on the “make-3.81-20090914-mingw32” link, and then on the “make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-bin.tar.gz” link, and download the file. If the base SourceForge site is unavailable, try “ projects/sfnet_mingw/downloads/MinGW/Extension/make/make-3.81-20090914-mingw32/make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-bin.tar.gz/” instead.
Decompress and unzip the “tar.gz” file to produce the “mingw32-make.exe” executable (if you need software to decompress and unzip the archive file, try the “7-zip” utility which can be obtained from “”).
Finally, copy “mingw32-make.exe” to the Cygwin installation directory, and rename it to gnumake.exe
Some checks to confirm everything is in place
Rename Duplicate Executables
Oracle also recommends the following:
To ensure “rmdir” executes the Windows “rmdir” command, rename Cygwin’s “rmdir.exe” (in, for example, C:\Cygwin\bin”) to rmdir.orig.
To ensure “link” executes the Visual Studio 2005 “link” command, rename Cygwin’s “link.exe” (also in, for example, C:\Cygwin\bin”).
At this point you have to restart the server to make sure all environment variables as well as installed pre-req software, starts up correctly
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